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Thoughts From A New Me

I Am A Unicorn
I Am Uni
I Am Me

I Am But A Caterpillar
Set Free

Thinking Myself
Untill I Am Born Again

I Am A Butterfly
I Have Wings
I Fly

I Am FlitterFly
I Am Flitter
I Am Me

As I Fly
I See
A Wicked World

I Slowly Die
Find Again
Me... :)

Reborn Again
Out Of The Ashes
I Rise

High High High
Into The Sky
And I See

I Am A Phenix
I Rise
I Live
I Am Set Free

I Am Me.. :)
I Am Me.. :)
2 days ago. April 30, 2024 at 7:24 PM


Presentation of one's self... 


in our lifestyle, we strive to make changes.

We work to better ourselves, we encourage others, we treat ourselves right, we work towards goals, we inspire one another, we strive to be kind, genuine and caring, to not only ourselves, but to others as well. 

We work hard to change for the better of one's self. 

We diligently put in the effort to give ourselves self-love, self-worth, self value, and self-respect. 

We strive and work hard to make these changes to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. 

We learn, we grow, and we are constantly, and consistently, continuing the growth process.  


To hold one's self to a higher standard. 

To be respectful of the thoughts and feelings of ourselves and others. 

To give unto another, the way you would want another to give unto you. 

To teach another the value of being kind in the face of judgment. 

To be appealing to another, not only to the eye, but in the way we hold ourselves to a higher mentality. 


Presentation is not only about appearance.

It is about how Y/you treat Y/yourself, how Y/you treat another, how Y/you handle situations, how Y/you speak to and / or about others, etc. 

It's taking and holding Y/yourself to a higher standard. 

Yielding to the inner peace inside Y/you, to be beautiful within Y/yourself, so that Y/you may be prepared and ready to one day yield to another, and / or Dominate another. 


To have no preconceived judgments. 

To being the best Y/you that Y/you can be. 

To be the best version of Y/yourself, so that one day Y/you will be ready to give over Y/your complete and total submission to another, and / or hold anothers submission. 


Y/your Dominant/submissive will expect Y/you to act with a compassionate, truthful, caring, kind,  generous heart, mind, body, and soul. 


your will becomes His will. 

you are a product of how He represents Himself. 

If you act up, brat out, are rude, unkind, talk about others, gossip, complain, are disagreeable, etc 

This makes your Dom look bad.

For He is responsible for you and your actions. your actions reflect badly onto Him.  


If your Dom were to guide you in the wrong manner or way, you then reflect that and project that onto others. 


We are here to learn and grow. 

To prepare ourselves in this journey of self-improvement of ourselves and for our future selves. 


Honestly, if our future selves have any chance at finding and keeping a dominant/submissive worth having.

We then have to make these changes within ourselves. 


It all starts here L/lady's and G/gentlemen. 


If we are to be the best versions of ourselves, we must start now.

We must give the best versions of ourselves to all, and to ourselves, right now. 


This is presentation of one's self. 

To bettering us and to helping others better themselves. 


Thank Y/you 

flitterfly... :):):) 

DawnRobin 🥰 

2 days ago. April 30, 2024 at 11:52 AM


To yield... 


Thank You 

flitterfly... :):):) 

DawnRobin 🥰

4 days ago. April 29, 2024 at 1:46 AM


Getting To Know Y/you... 

As we travel through this wonderland called kink, we meet people, talk, and become friends. 

We spend time writing blogs, learning this world, and learning about one another. 

As time continues, some of us stick around, and we grow. 

We become better versions of ourselves.

Then, one day, we start talking to someone that we have had the privilege of meeting here on the cage.

Soon, a friendship flourishes and starts to become a bit deeper. 

All the while, feelings start to become more prominent. 

As we continue, things seem to be progressing rather quickly in that friendship, and feelings tend to deepen. 

We start catching ourselves, wanting to jump rather than to crawl. 

So we take a step back. 

Good, right.... 


But as we take that step back to reassess and slow things back down to that crawl. 

We also tend to lose a bit of focus. 

After all, feelings are in place now. 

Emotions are out to play. 

One or both parties start to over-think, overreact, and tend to pull further back from the other. 

Remember to talk, be clear and respectful. Allow one another to know that Y/you are still on board.

Y/you still want to continue with the getting to know Y/you stage. This is critical. 

Staying focused allows one to handle things in the correct way. 

Transparency is crucial at this stage. 

Stay calm, do not over- think, or over analyze. Do not allow emotions to make Y/you go into a panic. 

This is when we tend to start pushing another away. 


Rushing is bad.

Pushing is bad. 

Overthinking is bad 

Overreacting is bad 


Talk to one another like Y/you have been all along. Countinue Your growth in this stage. 

Nothing is clear yet. 

Take this time to breathe, clear your head, and learn one another. Learn what's being told, what is expected later, and what is expected now. 

Take in every bit of this time that Y/you need to strengthen the bond and grow together, as people in kink, in this world, and in this lifestyle.  

Be their best friend in this world. Learn all Y/you can, have fun, after all Y/you get the privilege of having their time, energy, and affections spent on Y/you. 

If Y/you get to antsy, greedy, needy, or difficult. 

Chances are Y/you are the one that loses out. 


After all, how many toads did Y/you have to sift through before Y/you finally found your frog. 🐸 

Y/you are only at the getting to know Y/you stage. 

Have fun, right where Y/you are.

Y/you are right where Y/you need to be. 


Getting To Know Y/you... 


Thank Y/you

FlitterFly... :):):) 

DawnRobin 🥰 




5 days ago. April 27, 2024 at 8:05 PM


A Simple Request... 


A Binding... 

Such a little thing... 






All the different thoughts, emotions, and feelings. 



i can't imagine anything, other than to be collared, that would make me feel more connected, tethered, chained, or anchored to another. 


Binding oneself to another. 


It's as if one is reaching out, touching the vail of space, between time, and place. 

As if walking through the looking glass. 

Even distance does not stop the feelings of connection. 

So close, yet so far away. 

Funny how even now. 

Being untied after a night bound by rope, In the most simplest of ways. 

That i still feel tethered, anchored ⚓️ to another. 

Linked through the mind in such a way that time, space, and distance has no meaning. 

Only the feeling of being seen, felt, heard, wanted, needed, known, kept. 

A sense of belonging. 


How Freeing, Exhilarating, Breath-taking. 

To Be Content... 


Thank You 

FlitterFly... :):):) 

DawnRobin 🥰




6 days ago. April 27, 2024 at 4:42 AM


     ? ...How do i find me... ?


      How do i find me ?

~ In a sea of emptyness 

~ In a field of forever 

~ In the desert sands of empty promises of nothingness 

~ Deep in the forest of forgotten knowledge 

~ Down in the bayou of forgetfulness 

~ In the sky's of tragedy 

~ Out in the ocean of drowning souls 

~ In the eyes of children and forgotten wonderment 

~ In the hearts of men with shattered souls 

~ In the obis of darkend silence 

~ In the spaces in-between the shadows of chaos 

~ Beyound the realms of what is seen, felt, or heard 

~ Inside a mind of many 

~ In the face of evil doers 

~ In-between the pulse of a beating heart 

~ In the realms of magic and mayham 

~ In the heart beat of another's soul 


       How Do i Find Me ? 



Reading poetry today has brought out a bit of my poetic soul. 


Thank You 

FlitterFly... :):):) 

DawnRobin 🥰


6 days ago. April 26, 2024 at 3:13 PM


What I want... 

I want tasks and assignments. 

I want structure and rules. 

I want care and encouragement. 

I want understanding and compassion. 

I want consequences and explanation. 

I want forgiveness and care. 

I want to be secure in who I am and in whom I am meant to be. 

I want to be encouraged to succeed and pushed to strive for a better life. 

I want to be encouraged to reach high, to set goals, and to work until I achieve them. 

I want guidance and love. 

I want to feel needed and wanted. 

I want to give to others all that I never have had. 

I want to make a difference in people's lives. 

I want to be fulfilled in my roles, in my duty, and in my life. 

I want to be wanted and needed. 

I want to not feel, as if all I do is wrong or bad. 

I want to get my GED 

I want to learn a trait, to be dependent on myself, to support myself. 

I want to work on me, how I see myself, and how I treat myself. 

I want to be a good person to help others to see their own worth. 

I want to be a good girl. 

I want to finish what I start. 

I want to hold a job and / or a career. 

I want to work effectively and efficiently. Setting high standards for myself and finishing what i start. 

I want to be dependable in all things and with all people.

I want to be happy, secure, content, in all I am, all i do, and all I will do. 

I want to learn, grow, and reshape myself into a better version of me. 

I want to always be the best version of myself I can be. 

I want to hold true to my word and live my life to the fullest potential possible. 

I want to make the people in my life proud to be there. 

I want to find myself, rebuild myself, and mold myself into a person of respect and admiration. 

I want to challenge myself, and others, in all they are, and in all they do. 

I want to be healthy, live healthy, and bring the right type of people into my life. 

I want forgiveness.

I want to be forgiving. 

I want to conquer my fears. 

I want to challenge myself and strive for exalence. 

I want my ambitions and loyalty to move people. 

I want to be successful, in all I am, all I do, and who I will become. 

I want to live my life to the fullest and have a radiance that blinds the wicked and fills the soul.  

I want to make certain the people in my life can feel secure in knowing they are loved, wanted, needed, treasured, accepted, fulfilled, secure, humbled, seen, heard, wanted, adored, and apriciated. 

These are only some of the things that I want. 

I want 



I wrote this blog three months ago for myself. As something I could come back to and use as a reference. Things I want in my life, and have given to me in return. 

I did not realize at the time, by writing out, saying aloud, and wishing to obtain. 

That i would revisit my draft and find that, in such a short time, I would see so much of the things I wrote, that are already happening and being met. 

There are very few things infact that have not started happening for me, yet.

However, those things will come in time. 


Lifes tends to show to you, that you often get back what you put in. 

If speaking negatively about yourself, you find negative things happening.

And when speaking positively about yourself. 

Damn if those positive things dont start happening, without you even realizing what you have done. 



Thank You 🤗 

FlitterFly... :):):) 

DawnRobin 🥰 

1 week ago. April 26, 2024 at 9:10 AM


Living The Dream.... 


Good Morning All My Kinky Perverts 


I Have been extremely busy. 

Working out, taking care of what's important, taking care of me. 

I haven't had allot of time to post. 

Been reading blogs as time allows. 

Trying to keep up with all that is going on. 


Working very hard on my spelling 😊 

Also, feeling a bit like when I started on the cage. 

Studying lol 

I definitely have given myself a full amount of work. 


As for smoking, it's on hold. 

For now.... 

With all the workouts, and everything else, I'm trying not to overextend myself. 

Quitting smoking and losing weight at the same time is much like throwing two wild cats together. Lol

But rest assured I will manage to kick this bad, bad, bad, habit. :)


I have also been to the local Salvation Army. 

Talking with the coordinators about volunteering. 

Along with the in home health I provide, and everything else, I am spread thin. Lol  


Here is to not just talking about being in the lifestyle 

Its to living the lifestyle each and everyday 

I'm making hard core changes, proving myself, Improving myself, and putting in the effort, and work it takes. 

Not only to be the best me I can be. 

But to be a better version of myself, a better woman and a better submissive. 


Some workout music I've been listening to. 

Devon Cole - W.I.T.C.H 

Reckoning Song (One Day)

In This Moment "The Fighter"

Jack's Lament - Low Bass Singer Cover -

The Nightmare Before Christmas 

Metronomy - Salted Caramel Ice Cream 


For Shits And Giggles 

Just Because I Fucking Can

I Wouldn't Be Me Otherwise 


Filthiest Song In The World - Song Parody 

The Assumption Song  


Thank You 

FlitterFly... :):):) 

DawnRobin 🥰




1 week ago. April 24, 2024 at 2:07 PM


Being Open To Change... 

And Trying New Things.... 


I have been thinking about all that I have learned ever since coming onto thecage. 

With all the work, notes, searching on the web, and all the many, many people I have spoken with.

Especially at the beginning, so curious. 

When first finding this place and all the people here. It was as if taking a fresh breath of air. 

Hell, it still is. 


One of the things in this lifestyle that I have since the beginning been drawn to is the Master / slave roles. 

I believe that I have been drawn to this so much because I yern to not have to think, and just be. 

To have absolutely no thought or worry. 


Also, a dear friend of mine back in Tennessee, she is a service slave. 

And well, like everything eles in this lifestyle. Once seeing real, live, people.

Seeing those people in their roles in the lifestyle is not as perfect and on point, as the books say.

And definitely not what most Masters you speak with will tell you. Lol 


My friend is very outspoken, a lot like myself. 

She is one of the most sincere, kindest, most loyal, loving women that I know. 

Meeting this woman at a munch, getting to know her and her Master, being welcome to their home, spending time in and out of the vanilla world with her. 

I was able to watch the interaction on a day to day. 

Also, why I say this world is made to bend to everyday people and different dynamics. 

It is not a one size fits all type of deal. 

We make this our own. And in each dynamic, the rules change. 


This has been an experience that has been sobering, to say the least. 

Tells me a great deal, showes me a more in-depth view on the different dynamics and people who are in those dynamics. 


Anyway, I only wanted to write here to tell a little about my story. 

What I have found, seen, and have come to realize. 


Hopeing that when hearing and learning this life.

That one never says that they will never. Finding that the word never, should not be a part of one's vocabulary. 


We all change, and with change, we grow. Our eyes open to new things, new possibilities. 

We see things through a different lens. And with that lens, you keep seeing change. 

Not all is what you first think. The way we see certain aspects of this life changes like the seas of the ocean change. 


Don't hold so tight to a thought of never. 

If you are unable to change, how will you ever know if what you like and seek is not but what you refuse to be open to. 


With each day that we open our eyes to something new, something different, we broden our chances of finding and securing a happiness that once was not open to us before.  


Thank You 

FlitterFly... :):):) 

DawnRobin 🥰 


1 week ago. April 24, 2024 at 12:51 AM



Assigning Oneself A Personal Task 


Spelling Words... 

Also, a weekly spelling test given by a close personal friend. 


With many thanks 😊 🥰 



I would like to ask anyone that I speak with, in any capacity, or reads anything in which I write. 

To please, when you see any word misspelled, write the correct spelling of said word. 

I will then, at that point rewrite said word five times.

I will take a screen-shot of the corrected spelling word to use on a list for my weekly spelling test.  


Thank You Kindly 

FlitterFly... :):):) 

DawnRobin 🥰 


1 week ago. April 23, 2024 at 10:03 PM


Inspired By: TreasureMe

(with permission)

And This Mornings Blog... 😁 



Thank You 

FlitterFly... :):):) 

DawnRobin 🥰