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Blog issues

SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}
4 years ago • May 3, 2020

Blog issues

I have a blog that spans several pages. When I try and get past the first page from Manage Posts page, I get a blank, white page. I've tried it on my phone as well as my laptop, with the same result.

I have ONE post that I archived/hidden at about that same spot and I'm wondering if it is interfering with it. The only way to reach the blog posts prior to that point it to "view page" and go backwards in time.

Also, when you use quotes in a subject line of a pm, it doesn't send the message as "quote", but as the HTML code: &quote& whatever words were in quotes &quote&.
4 years ago • May 4, 2020
Villanelle​(staff) • May 4, 2020
I'll alert our tech guy about this and we'll have a look. Thanks for the heads up!
Cage Monkey​(staff)
4 years ago • May 4, 2020
Cage Monkey​(staff) • May 4, 2020
Thank you for reporting, SirsBabyDoll and thank you Villanelle for the heads up.

I fixed the bug.

Cage Monkey
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