sub female

Florida, United States
Relationship status
In a monogamous relationship
About me

In short: College student and part-time starving artist~ Full-time smartass.

Artwork found on my profile and on my blog are copyrighted to me, please do not copy, reuse, sell, repost, or redistribute my work without my permission.

Interested in more?:  Chime Artworks

As for me?  I am the epitome of duality. I am a conglomerate of different things - in all aspects of my being. That's why I chose the name "Chimera." (A creature that is a blend of many different things.)

I like to think I'm snarky, clever, and witty. I know I can be empathetic, kind, and caring. I can also be quite cynical, jaded, and sardonic; as well as I can be quite sharp, intimidating, and irascible. There are many facets to my personality.

I pride myself on being generally easygoing, flexible and able to ebb, flow, and adapt in the same manner that water fills different receptacles of varying shapes and sizes.

BDSM and me

I am currently in a relationship with a beautiful lady outside of this website; I am not looking for any dynamics,relationships, or sex.

I seek only friendship and education.



Tag reads "submissive" I'd more say I'm a Switch with Submissive tendencies.

 I've found that my submission is very much like the attention you get from a wild animal you've befriended.  Still very much wild, even feral. I'm very high spirited, and even a bit unruly a times.  But, my submission is a gift to those who are strong, patient, and gentle enough to keep me.


With the above being said - I am very picky when it comes to a Dominant. I want someone who has the strength to keep me in line, the gentleness to be empathetic and understanding, the manners of a gentleman, the bestial roughness of something wild, someone with patience to work with me, open minded and willing to try new things and go on adventures, stable minded/stable enough to be a rock in the storm, and intelligent enough to give witty banter and also keep me on my toes. I think that's the biggest key-trait I seek, is intelligence.




My personal hard limits sexually/relationship wise will be dicussed with my Dominant privately. These are of no concern to the general populous.


For general public: I have a very low tolerance for willful ignorance, stupidity, bigots, racists, homophobics, fascists, or supporters of fascists, enablers, desperate people, pathological liars, disrespectful people, and people who disrespect my dynamic/collar.

For those who'd like to push my limits - I will say regrettably. I have a silver tongue and I use it well. I can be confrontational and I'm not afraid to tell you off publicly if you're acting out in a public setting.

What's new

[[Previously named "Auria" ]]

Update date
Oct 2, 2022
Member since
Jul 2, 2019
BDSM Checklist
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